Analysis-based development of recommendations on the improvement and further development of Extended Producers Responsibility scheme in the Republic of Kazakhstan with focus on
socio-economic, environmental impact of the revised scheme (United Nations, 2022).
1. Analysis of international experience in the implementation of the EPR on the example of at least 7 countries.
2. Analysis of existing EPR regulations and waste volumes under EPR legislation in KZ.
3. Assessment of the effectiveness of the current recycling fees (rates) for each group of goods, including packaging, especially for importers-international companies.
4. Assessment of the processing and recycling infrastructure and capacities existing in the Republic of Kazakhstan by types of waste of EPR products (goods).
5. Assessment of the average annual volumes of waste generation (for each type of waste), which fall under extended producer responsibility (hereinafter- EPR products).
6. Identification of all actors of EPR, as well as development of recommendations on the mechanisms for their interaction within the EPR system.
7. Develop methodology for (a) determining EPR fees (rates) for producers, importers, (b) determining the fees (rates) of payments to the subjects of the waste management market for the collection, transportation, processing, recycling of waste from products falling under EPR
8. Recommendations:
– for the creation and improvement of infrastructure for the collection, transportation, recovery of waste in cities and villages with a population of less than 100 thousand people;
– on legal regulation of the producers (importers) of products (goods), subject to EPR, who have their own waste collection, processing and recycling systems;
– on the additional incentives for the formation of an effective system of waste collection, transportation and processing.
9. Practical recommendations for improving the efficiency of the EPR system in Kazakhstan – defining a system of target indicators for assessing the effectiveness of EPR scheme.
10. Presentations of the results at stakeholder consultations as requested