Russia introduced Extended Producers Responsibility (EPR) legislation in 2015. The legal frame and the overall implementation has not met the key stakeholders expectations, which prompted the legal revision in 2020. After consultation with the interested parties, the Deputy Prime Minister Mrs. Viktoria Abramchenko signed 31.12.2020 the new EPR concept with following key points:
- From 2022, 100% recycling target is introduced to the packaging, for the other products the targets will be revised later.
- The regulated EPR products and packaging list will be updated.
- Eco fees will cover the full cost of the collection and recycling of products and packaging; recyclability will be incentivized.
- State registry for EPR products will be created: sales of not registered goods would not be allowed (aim to reduce free riders).
- Recycling Associations (PROs) as management organizations will be excluded from the EPR value chain.
- Legal compliance can be achieved by paying the eco fees to the state, signing contracts with recyclers or meeting the targets by operating own collection and recycling system.
The concept implementation road-map will be ready by February 15,2021, it would include schedule of the legal amendments.